How Trigger Rules Automate Your Unique Business Processes


Trigger Rules is a mechanism that Vivantio users can use to automate processes. The basic concept behind Trigger Rules is:

When a certain condition is met, an action occurs.

They are useful in a wide range of scenarios, but a few common examples are:

  • Sending out surveys after a ticket is closed.
  • Automatically setting the ticket priority when a specific category of ticket is logged.
  • Taking a ticket off “Hold” when it is updated by a customer.


We’ll use a very specific example to help explain: sending an SMS via Twilio for a CopperEgg alert.

(Note: For this example, we will assume you have already set up a CopperEgg Web Method integration and a Twilio Webhook integration.)


Under Admin » System Areas » Incidents, you will find a menu option for “Business Rules”:

Vivantio Business Rules 1

Within this section, there are three different types of rule available:

  • Routing – These are simple rules to assign new tickets to specific groups or users.
  • Escalation – These are time-based rules used to take action on tickets as SLA targets are approached or breached.
  • Trigger – This is the focus of our example and where you can set an action to occur when a specific condition is met.

Under the Trigger Rules tab, you will be able to click the “Add” button, which will bring you to the following screen:

Vivantio Business Rules 2

Under this screen, you will have a few elements to fill out:

  • Rule Name – This is where you can name the rule to whatever you want.
  • Execute When – You will have the choice beween “Ticket first meets condition” and “Matching Ticket updated”. “Ticket first meets condition” will only execute the action the first time a specific ticket meets the condition. “Matching Ticket updated” executes the action whenever a matching ticket is updated.

To explain each content tab, let’s run through them:

Select Tickets

This is where you will use the Vivantio Expression Builder to set the condition. For our example, we will set this for “Run this rule for tickets with the CopperEgg Alert category” as seen below:

Vivantio Business Rules 3


This is where you can set timing rules around when the action is completed. For our example, we will want to select the default option of “Immediately”, because we want the SMS to be sent out as soon as the ticket is created:

Vivantio Business Rules 4

There might be scenarios where you want to delay the action. This is where you can control that.


This is where we define the action that takes place once the condition is met. There are a number of different processes available, but, for our example, we’re only interested in “Send SMS via Twilio” under Webhooks:

Vivantio Business Rules 5

Under that option, it will bring you to a screen where you can set the recipient and text sent. You can also leave an optional note regarding the action.

After saving the rule, you have finished. With this example, the next time CopperEgg creates an alert, the SMS you created will be sent and be noted in Vivantio:

Vivantio Business Rules 11

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